
Lined Pipe Solution for Food and Supplement Production Facility

Our Fabrication Capabilities Maximize Safety and Minimize Downtime

Project overview


Leaking pipe at a food and supplement production facility created serious safety concerns and threatened extensive downtime.


We applied our extended capabilities to quickly provide a long-term solution, with minimal downtime, that saved the company thousands of dollars per hour in production.

Products used:

  • Resistoflex® plastic-lined pipe
  • XOMOX® lined valves

Ferguson advantages:

  • Technical expertise for design phase and ongoing support
  • Lined pipe fabrication capabilities
  • Extensive inventory available nationwide

Background and project scope

Safety must be the top priority for every organization, no matter the size. When a product failure jeopardizes the safety of a facility, companies and their supply partners need to move quickly to neutralize the hazard while minimizing any impacts on process.

Aging carbon and stainless steel pipe and valves had begun to leak acid at a food and supplement production facility during the busy season. The leak posed serious safety concerns, and fixing or replacing the system required extensive downtime.

Thanks to our technical expertise, lined pipe fabrication capability and extensive inventory, we were able to offer the customer a long-term solution in short order.


Using the pre-existing layout, we developed a CAD drawing to replace the existing system with a plastic-lined pipe and valve configuration that met the customer’s exact specifications. Throughout the process, our local associates provided regular on-site support to address challenges, give updates and coordinate with the customer to provide an optimal experience.

The new configuration was installed successfully, resulting in minimal downtime for the customer and saving thousands of dollars per hour in production.

The products we provided—Resistoflex® plastic-lined pipe and XOMOX® lined valves—extended the system’s service life and reduced long-term maintenance costs. Most importantly, our solution increased the reliability of the system, making for a safer, more efficient facility.

The solution: Ferguson Industrial

The improved skid configuration worked so well that the customer requested a similar replacement for an additional acid line to head off another leak elsewhere in the facility.

To explore how we can help you maximize safety, minimize downtime and increase efficiency, visit